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Did you know only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals?


The 8% who stick to their resolutions are successful because they have a plan and tools to help them. According to Statistic Brain, people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.  You can easily achieve your goals and become a new you in the New Year by using 4 fitness apps. These apps will get you moving and motivated.


1.My Fitness Pal


You can’t out exercise a bad diet. Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Thus, the first app you must download today is My Fitness Pal.


My Fitness Pal is a free online calorie counter and diet plan. It is the most popular health and fitness app on the market because the app maintains a database of 5 million+ foods. The database makes it so much easier to track the calories and nutrition in all your meals – homemade or take out.


The exercise tracker built in the app can sync with your fitness watch allowing you to track the calories you burned off for the day. Whether you have a goal to lose fat or gain muscle, My Fitness Pal can determine how much calories, fat, carbs and protein you need to consume in to order to meet your goal. In 2012, I used this app to help me lose 20 lbs…trust me it works!


(Download the app here: iOS and Android)




Once you have established a good diet, it is best to get your body moving with some cardio. If you are out of shape or want to train for long distance running then C25k is the app for you! Don’t be scared. Anyone can conquer this program…even a couch potato.


This app comes with a free nine week training program with three running workouts per week. The program works because it gets the body moving by alternating between walking and running. Each week you will slowly building up to running for a long period of time. After 8 weeks, you will be able to run a 5k or for 30 minutes nonstop. I have used this app over the years and it can help a novice non-runner, like myself, run faster and longer.


(Download the app here: iOS and Android)




If you don’t have a gym membership or belong to a Barre studio then the Blogilates app is for you.


Blogilates was created by Cassey Ho, an award-winning fitness instructor and YouTuber. Blogilates is the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube with 300+ million video views! When you download the app, you get access to all of Casey’s Pilates inspired workouts that will lean you out. Every day there will be different workouts that will target various muscle groups, tone your body and get your heart pumping! Cassey publishes new workout plans every 4 weeks so that your body and mind will never get bored.

Additionally, you can access Cassey’s healthy, cheap recipes within the app so that you can cook nutritious meals after you workout.


(Download the app here:  iOS and Android)


4. 5x5


Once you conquer cardio, it is time for you to get STRONGER by lifting weights!!! Yay!

To create your program you can choose to manually create your lifting program with a piece of paper and a pencil




You can download 5x5 and let the app track all your exercises, number of reps and rest time.


The 5×5 app uses five compound exercises: the SquatBench PressDeadliftOverhead Press and Barbell Row. You will perform a combination of these exercises each workout, three times a week. The app’s workout will last a minimum of 45 minutes. Be sure to budget in time for any isolation exercise you would like to perform in addition to the 5x5 workout. Barbell curls, leg extension, hamstring curls, lateral raise and dumbbell fly are all good isolation movements you will want to incorporate into your lifting program.


The 5×5 website says that its name stands for five sets of five reps. The site also says that the 5×5 bodybuilding program is unique because it doesn’t set goals that make you reach failure, get “pumped” or be sore. Your goal within the program is to add weight to the bar each time you workout. You start off light and increase in weight as you go. This method with help you develop stronger muscles faster!


(Download the app here: ; iOS and Android)

These 4 apps will help you become a new you in the New Year for sure! Let me know if you used any of the apps before. What did you love about them? Leave me a comment down below! 

Until Next Time, 


"Your life is happening now. Make it amazing!"



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