Travel and Experiences
Traveling the globe can be expensive. I lied…it IS expensive. Traveling, however, is well worth the money spent because it creates priceless memories and experiences.
I have been very blessed to travel around the world. I have visited 15 U.S. states, traveled abroad to Germany, Amsterdam, Costa Rica, and Oman. I still have so many states to see and countries to explore! I cherish the time I spent outside of my comfort zone because it severely impacted the way I relate to others, my perspective of the world, forced me to mature, and pushed the social and educational boundaries within my mind.
Traveling, especially when I am young without kids and obligations, is something that I shamelessly spend money on. I am even saving up to have a travel membership (see Memberships section)!
Self-Improvement: Conferences, Books, Level Up Skills, Take a Class, etc.
Investing in your personal development is HUGE and so important. It is the easiest way for you to grow, improve, and uncover a higher quality of life. Personally I try to pick up a book on leadership or a devotional journal because improving certain qualities within yourself not helps your inner you but also others.
In Why Should YOU Pursue Personal Development? ​ blogger Scott Young says, “The more we have, the more we can give. This extends to far more than money. By being a believer in personal development, you serve as a role model to others. By overcoming obstacles, you can help other people overcome those obstacles as well.
Improving yourself creates ripples outwards. These ripples disturb the natural state of other people until they too heed the call of growth and awareness. Steve Pavlina says it so eloquently when he asks, “Are you a bear or an eagle?” Do you soar above the clouds or hibernate in a cave?”
Memberships (Non-Binding)
Now that I have three jobs, I am realizing that important it is for me to recognize how I can effectively spend my money. With that said, I do not have time nor the desire for binding and recurring costs like subscriptions or memberships. For example, I do not have a subscription service for a magazine, Wi-Fi, cable television, Netflix, computer games and etc.
I do, however, spend money on memberships and service that are 1) non-binding and 2) shareable. I love a good non-binding service because it gives you the opportunity to STOP spending money when you need or want to without canceling your account. Additionally, I budget for services that are shareable because what is the point on buying anything if you can’t enjoy it with the people you love?! Here are my top picks for shameless memberships:
Club W, wine membership https://clubw.com/
Cocktail Courier, cocktail membership
Inspirato, travel membership
Sunstone Yoga, hot yoga and fitness
*Gym membership that I use for cycling classes and lifting. While I have dissenting opinions about LA Fitness as a corporation, I need cycling and lifting in my life.
Until Next Time,
"Your life is happening now. Make it amazing!"