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Feat. Ashley Stephens NaturaFit Owner

In "Warning: Stop Killing Your Body,"  I said that I would provide you with more weight loss advice, tips and tricks. Well, my first secret to weight loss concerns your mind! Keep reading to know how you can MENTALLY set yourself up to lose 30 pounds.

Years ago, I learned that my mental state of mind was imperative to my health journey. Mental clarity was important for me because my mind drove all of my decisions and choices. I thought of it like this...If my mind was not in the right place then my choices would not be either.


Once I understood the power my mind held, I realized that I had to undergo a “mental makeover” in order to lose fat and commit to a new lifestyle. I’m glad that I was honest with myself about my mental state. Getting my mind right helped me discover the secret to losing weight!


So, what can YOU do to conduct your own “mental makeover?”


I teamed up with Ashley Stephens, the owner of NaturaFit, to provide mental tips you can use to kick-start your journey towards health. You can read more about Ashley and her website HERE.







Having the right mind-set begins with you knowing why you want to shed fat. When you know why, start making attainable goals for yourself. You can maintain your healthy lifestyle by setting goals using the S.M.A.R.T. equation. In other words, you should set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound:

  • Specific: Answer the questions Who, What, When, and Why. Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish? When do I want to accomplish it by? Why do I want to do this? For example: "I want to lose 20 pounds in the next two months so I can feel healthier and more confident."

  • Measurable: Whatever your goal may be, make sure you use concrete numbers and constraints. Instead of "I want to eat out less" say "I want to eat out only two times per week."

  • Attainable: Make sure your goal is attainable. Always ask yourself "Is it possible for me to reach this goal?" and "Am I in control of reaching this goal?"

  • Realistic: Always be realistic when planning and setting your goals. You have to be able  to stick with it. 

  • Time-Bound: Put a time-restraint on your goal. An example is "I want to lose [x] pounds in two months."

Put this all together and what do you get? A S.M.A.R.T. goal! A few examples are: "I want to lose 16 pounds in the next two months by tracking what I eat and working out weekly," "I want to eat out only two days per week for the next 30 days," and "I want to workout five days a week for 45 minutes for the next two months." You can do it!





Starting a personal fitness journey is hard. What makes it so difficult is trust. Learning to trust yourself is one of the hardest parts of losing weight. The key to finding “your trust” is to have 1) faith in the process, 2) listen to your body and 3) find out what works best for you.


There's no fitness and nutrition regime that's right for everyone. Genetics, body weight, and lifestyle make each person different. When finding a regime that's right for you, Ashley suggests that you keep an open mind and have persistence. Try different things and see what you enjoy.





Learn to love fitness! 


If you find a workout that you enjoy, whether it is running, lifting weights, playing a sport, etc., it's hard to not get addicted. Find something you love doing and it will make it easier to stay committed!





You will fail. You may have failed in the past or you may be failing right now. That doesn’t mean that you will never lose weight. There will be days where you eat fast food, skip a workout, or give into temptation. Ashley and I both agree that it is crucial to stay positive and believe in yourself.





Ashley says that it is important to remind yourself that the key to living a healthy lifestyle is all about balance. It's okay to not work out every day or eat dessert. However, you should eat healthy most meals and be active most days. Choose a workout that fits your fitness goals, and participate in these plans as much as possible.


That is it for the tips! Be sure to check out my Q&A with Ashley down below to learn more about her and NaturaFit.


Question: What is your favorite mental trick fro weight loss?


Until Next Time,



"Your life is happening now. So make it amazing!"



Q: Tell me about yourself.



A: My name is Ashley Stephens. I graduated from the University of North Texas in May of 2015 with a B.S. in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). I currently work full-time to pay the bills at a place that's just a stop on the road. Even though I haven't found the perfect career for me yet, I love my degree and I’m finding ways to nurture my passion as I move into post-graduate adulthood. 


I've always played sports and been interested in living healthy. In fact, I first met Taylor via sports. We played together on a soccer team called The Lady Tigers!



Q: What is you life's motto? 



A: I like to live by the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated. It's a basic rule that we're taught in grade school and it has stuck with me throughout my life. If you want to be treated with kindness, not judged, and be loved, you should do the same thing to the other people in your life. It's incredible how kind people are when you're kind to them. 



Q: What is NaturaFit? How did you get started? What are/is the goals/mission of your site? 



A: NaturaFit is a website that I started in 2015. Since its inception, the site has gained a social media following and now collaborates with amazing blogs such as "What Taylor Likes."


As I studied exercise science in school, I was surprised by how often the things I learned contradicted with fitness and health ‘norms.’ So the goal of NaturaFit is to share comprehensive, science-backed nutritional information that readers can trust. My site contains everything from workout ideas and correct form to nutrition and recipes. NaturaFit has all you need to guide you towards a healthy lifestyle.



Q: Why is health and wellness important to you? 



A: As mentioned earlier, I've always participated in organized sports. Maintaining a healthy diet and staying in shape was part of my everyday life. As I've grown, I've realized how important proper nourishment is to my body. Whether it is something as small as having more energy during the day or living a longer life, leading a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Health and wellness is important to me because I want to live a long, adventure-filled life without being limited by my physical shape or health status.



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